Report Into Deaths Of Babies At Midlands Regional Hospital Published


A report into the deaths of four babies at the Midlands Regional Hospital in Portlaoise – says the maternity service can’t be regarded as safe and sustainable within its current governance arrangments.

The damning report says there were clear failures in the management of risk and patient safety in the Co Laois facility.

The Health Service Executive has put in place a transition team to take control of maternity services in Portlaoise.

The Chief Medical Officier – Dr Tony Holohan – was appointed at the end of January – to compile a report into four perinatal deaths at the Midlands Regional Hospital in Portlaoise.

A Prime Time documentary revealed that the babies died shortly after birth in similar circumstances over a six year period at the Co Laois facility – however they weren’t suffering from any abnormalities at the onset of labour.

The report concludes that the maternity service in Portlaoise cannot be regarded as safe and sustainable within its current governance arrangments.

It also says there were clear failures in the management of risk and patient safety – and as result – the HSE has put in place a transition team to take control of maternity services at the hospital.

The report says the families and patients were treated in a poor and at times appalling manner, with limited respect, kindness, courtesy and consideration.

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