Confirmations and Communions postponed again as kids finish school

Priests in the diocese of Ferns are asking parents and children to keep heart after Confirmations, Communions and Baptisms were deferred once again.

There had been confusion after the Tanaiste said they were off but there was no official update on the Government’s website.

A government spokesperson says they are all postponed following NPHET advice over the Delta variant and the website will be updated soon.

Guests at weddings however can increase to 50 from July 5th.

Fr John Carroll of the Ferns Diocese told South East Radio that this news couldn’t have come at a worse time.

“This came to us out of the blue last night. We are and were ready to go.

“Today is the last day that children will finish primary school and they’re ready for confirmation.

“To have to tell them on their last day together that actually their confirmation has been cancelled as the government has announced, it’s not an easy message to deliver.”

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