Homeless hostel in Wexford issues eviction warnings prompting calls from local Councillor to change policy

A Sinn Fein Councillor has called on Wexford County Council to change homeless hostel policy.

The calls come as residents of a homeless hostel received letters warning them that they cannot spend more than 3 nights away from the hostel or they may be evicted from the service.

Councillor Thomas Forde says that the policy is unfair and that people should be able to avail of any accommodation that they can find especially if it means spending time with family.

“Unfortunately we are in this situation at the moment of a serious housing crises where people are having to avail of homeless services. But at the same time many of these people have families, have partners, have children. I think that any opportunity where they are able to secure accommodation for a night whether it be on a sofa that they shouldn’t be prevented from doing that especially if it means spending time with their families.”

Mr. Forde is calling for the policy to be loosened so that people availing of the service can begin to integrate back into a more stable lifestyle.

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