A home in Wexford is being occupied by a cat – despite current housing crisis

50 council homes across County Wexford are currently vacant despite the numbers of homeless families continuing to rise.

Councillor George Lawlor revealed the figures this morning when speaking to Alan Corcoran on Morning Mix. He has called for an investigation into why there are so many homes vacant and what can be done about it.

Councillor Lawlor said that one house in Wexford is being occupied by a cat:

“Its a breach of tenancy not to occupy your house. People have come to me and said that there is a house where someone comes to feed a cat once a day. That is just not on in the middle of a housing crises.”

He went on to state that he is calling for people to anonymously report if people are not occupying their house whether through the council or himself directly.

He has assured that everything will be fully investigated before action is taken.

“We cannot have council housing stock going unused while families are in urgent need of accommodation.”

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