HSE Understand Together Dementia Campaign

64,000 people in Ireland are currently living with dementia. Every day 30 people develop dementia.  They are fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers and friends.

Dementia is an umbrella term to describe a range of conditions which causes changes and damage to the brain.  The most common forms are Alzheimer’s Disease and Vascular Dementia.

The symptoms can vary from person to person but can include problems with language, difficulty finding the right word, memory loss and confusion in familiar surroundings.

Sometimes people are afraid to talk about dementia – so you can play your part in reaching out to support someone with dementia.

Simple things like making contact safely, doing an activity together, an online singalong or practical help like shopping or collecting medication is a great way to help the person living with dementia and their family.

South East Radio’s Alan Corcoran spoke with HSE Nurse Anne Marie Hayes and volunteer Brian Toomey.


Alan also spoke to Mary D’Arcy who cares for her husband Michael.  Michael is living with Dementia.


For more information visit www.understandtogether.ie

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