Management at water treatment plants “not fit for purpose” – Irish Water

Failures at two water treatment plants were ‘breaches of trust’, according to the Department of Housing.

Unsafe water entered the drinking supply from plants in Gorey and Ballymore Eustace and wasn’t picked up.

It’s led to Irish Water saying the management of treatment plants through local authorities is not fit for purpose.

Managing Director of Irish Water Niall Gleeson says they’re stepping up training at plants.

“Refresher training of all relevant water services staff has been accelerated and we will audit all plants to ensure knowledge of all protocols are in place.

“Where appropriate, Irish Water will also put staff on site to ensure continued safety over water production.

“I would like to apologise again for both incidents.

“While equipment failure and human error can occur, delayed reporting of issues relating to the process at the plant left us unable to react and compromised the water quality.”

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