Taoiseach Wrapping Up Washington Visit


The Taoiseach is wrapping up a two day official visit to Washington.

Enda Kenny held a number of bi-lateral meetings discussing Ireland’s economy, the Northern Ireland Peace process and immigration reform for the illegal Irish working in the US.

President Obama pressed the Taoiseach as well as Northern leaders Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness who were present in Washington about the lack of progress made on the peace talks, expressing his disappointment, and recognising the long road yet ahead.

In a bi-later meeting earlier in the day, the Taoiseach and President discussed global issues including the conflict in Crimea and the likelihood of an EU/US alliance as part of any solution there – diplomatic or otherwise.

Mr Kenny then spoke publicly about the role of Irish immigrants in America and the likelihood of a change in legislation to support the undocumented Irish.

The Shamrock ceremony was typically celebratory and President Obama wished well the Irish rugby team today making special mention to Brian O’Driscoll’s final match this afternoon

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