Congratulations to Veronica Kenny, November Outstanding Achievement Award Winner

Dyspraxia is a difficulty with thinking, planning and carrying out sensory or motor tasks. We don’t hear much about it but it is a condition from the same “family” as autism, or Aspergers.

From Bunclody, Veronica Kenny, a mother with two sons with Dyspraxia offers help and support to other parents who find themselves in a similar situation. Veronica set up the only Dyspraxia support group in this part of the country, where parents can get information, advice and moral support from herself and also from the Spectrum Group (Autism Spectrum Disorders Initiatives).

ASDI is an organisation formed to help and inform parents of children who have autism, Dyspraxia or other motor disorders. Studies show that 6% of children have some level of Dyspraxia and need help and information.

The HSE waiting list for diagnosis is approximately 4 years. As speed of diagnosis is essential for early intervention, the majority of parents go with their children as private patients for assessment.  Once diagnosed,  children can get all the support they need in school or when they play sports and can improve their skills in time. This is one of the reasons why Veronica’s work is so important and makes a difference. She can direct parents towards the right people; the right kind of help and make a difference for a child facing difficulties.

Veronica’s work for this cause is tireless and is truly appreciated by all. Although she has some  difficult times with her 2 sons with Dyspraxia, she finds time and energy to give help and advice to others in the same situation. Veronica Kenny is an inspiring person and our November Winner of the Outstanding Achievement Award.

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