Enniscorthy families in danger from ongoing out of order school traffic lights

There are growing concerns in Enniscorthy Town as traffic lights outside St. Aidens Primary School continue to be out of order – as easing of restrictions further today.

The traffic lights on Nunnery Road, located at the top of town near the Presentation Centre, have been out of action for more than 1 week.

As many as 800 school children – with some as young as 5 years old – needing to cross the traffic heavy road to get to school.

Councillor Jackser Owens says Nunnery Roads is known to be one of the busiest roads in the town.

“They are out for over a week.

“We have hundreds of parents and children crossing that road every morning back and forward to school.

“It has to be fixed immediately.

“Every morning children are running or struggling to get across the road with their parents because there are no lights there.”

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Photo Credit: Pexels Images

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