The former CEO of Gorey Chamber of Commerce has slammed remarks made to him by the current holder of the position.

Dick White resigned from the position at the end of March this year over the direction the Chamber was taking.

Dick White is currently supervisor of Gorey Ad Hoc Community Facilities and as such met with his successor the new interim CEO of Gorey Chamber Diarmuid Devereux this week.

In a letter to Jim Hughes President of Gorey Chamber, Dick White outlined how during the meeting Mr Devereux told him he had worked as “dogsbody” for Gorey Chamber.

Mr White says he is horrified and insulted that such a slur could be spoken.

He said the remark denigrates the work he performed during his ten year tenure as CEO of Gorey Chamber.

Mr White continued in the letter to Mr Hughes that the chamber committee he presides over has a policy of kicking the can down the road and is constrained by conflicts of interest which haven’t been dealt with.

He said his number one focus during his time as CEO of Gorey Chamber was to support the needs of and reflect the concerns of the businesses of Gorey and North Wexford.

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