IFA Presidential Elections to take place this week – Wexford woman Alice Doyle is running for Deputy President

30 IFA branch AGMs will take place across 29 County Executives this week, where members can cast their vote for the next President and Deputy President of IFA.

IFA National Returning Officer Brian Rushe has renewed his appeal to members to have their say and use their vote.

“For this election, members have the option of bringing their vote in its return envelope to their branch meeting, or returning their vote by post,” he said.

“While the postal option is there, it is important for members to attend their local AGM and have their say on issues of concern to them,” he said.

Francie Gorman and Martin Stapleton are running for President while Pat Murphy and Wexford Alice Doyle are running for Deputy President.

Ms Doyle has been nominated as the first woman to stand for one of the most senior roles in the Irish Farmers Association in the upcoming IFA elections.

Alice Doyle from Ballyoughter, was nominated by six county IFA branches to run in the election and is currently chair of the national IFA Farm Family & Social Affairs Committee.

Alice outlined her goals as Deputy President of the organisation when she spoke to South East Radio:

“I want to be there to represent all types of farmers. I want to listen and show that communication is important. I will also include everyone along the way in the decision making process. And that is what we need to do as an organisation.”

The National Count will be held on Tues, Dec 12th in the Castleknock Hotel.

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