Mary E Lawlor Wins Outstanding Achievement Award for March

 Congratulations to Mary E. Lawlor, Our March Outstanding Achievement Award Winner


Mary Lawlor says that everyone has a talent and her talent is talking, however, the power of speech  failed her, when she was a surprised recipient of the Outstanding Achievement Award for March!


Mary, over her 50 years involvement with the Irish Girl Guides, has made an outstanding contribution to the local, regional and national Irish Girl Guide movement. Her father and her uncle were both involved in the Boy Scouts and this encouraged Mary to join the Girl Guides as a young girl in 1965, the beginning of her lifelong association with the organisation.


The leaders are trained to bring out the best in young girls and for the girls to bring out the best in each other. They work with them to become self sufficient and enjoy life to the full.


A highlight for Mary in her 50 year involvement, is the friends she has made. She knows that they will remain her friends for the rest of her life. Mary was the Regional Commissioner and National Training Commissioner and thanks the local troop for their support during the times she held those positions.


Everyone was glad and relieved to hear that Mary has no plans to give up her tremendous work with the Wexford Girl Guides anytime soon! We wish you continued success Mary!

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