Nationwide smoky coal fuel ban for entire country from next year

The Environment Minister says a smoky coal ban for the entire country will save lives.

It’s currently in place in 42 towns and cities, including Wexford Town, Ardcavan, Castlebridge and Enniscorthy, but will be extended nationwide next year.

It’s estimated 1,300 people die prematurely every year from the pollution from solid fuels.

Eamon Ryan says the smoky coal ban will change this.

“It’s a simple measure.

“It’s giving a signal today to the industry that this time next year, so you’ve plenty of time to get ready for it, we’re going to set standards that you have to have smoke free fuels.

“They do exist and they are better value for the consumer because they often burn better and give us better heat but they cut out air pollution.

“It’s that air pollution that causes heart attacks and strokes.”

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