People in Wexford told not to go to the ED in Wexford General Hospital unless absolutely necessary.

Wexford General Hospital is at full capacity today and people in Wexford are being warned not to go to the Emergency department in Wexford General Hospital unless it is 100% necessary.

The hospital is currently dealing with a very high volume of patients, up to 180 per day. People are being advised to go to your GP or Pharmacist if at all possible. Patients who must attend the ED are being warned of significant delays.

Speaking to Alan Corcoran on ‘Morning Mix’ earlier today Dr. Paul Kelly spoke about the delays saying the weekends now are as busy as the weekdays. In the past weekend 83 patients were in the department at one time  and only 17 rooms available, because of this people are being left in waiting rooms, corridors and outside in ambulances due to a shortage of beds.

Dr Kelly also spoke about treatment of staff nurses in Wexford General, he says people are taking it out on the nurses and he is urging the public “please don’t shout at the nurses they are working as hard as they can under huge pressure”.



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