Planning permission granted for Wexford General Hospital modular building extension

Wexford TD and Minister of State for Law Reform James Browne TD has welcomed further progress related to increased investment in Wexford healthcare services, including the 97-bed extension to Wexford General Hospital, the installation of a permanent MRI scanner in Wexford General Hospital and the Ely Hospital Endoscopy Unit redevelopment.

Minister Browne explained, “As a Minister of State, I am in regular contact with Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly TD and the HSE to prioritise the delivery of increased investment in Wexford’s health care services. The project to develop a new 97 bed ward block at Wexford General Hospital is a priority project. I understand that planning permission for this extension will be submitted by the end of the year. HSE officials recently attended a pre-planning meeting with Wexford County Council. To ensure that the Wexford General Hospital site is future proofed for future development, additional environmental screening and traffic impact assessment surveys will be carried out in advance of the submission of this planning permission application. I will continue to press for the progress of this important hospital extension as it progresses through the stages of funding, prioritisation and statutory approvals.

“Planning permission has been granted for a modular building extension to accommodate access from the existing hospital building to the three storey extension, which will accommodate the permanent MRI scanner. I’m glad to see another positive step towards the delivery of this important project. I want to commend the hard work of Wexford General Hospital manager Linda O’Leary and hospital staff for their work on this project. Construction is expected to start in the first quarter of 2024 before an estimated 12-month programme of building works followed by equipping and commissioning.“Meanwhile phased delivery of the refurbishment of the existing endoscopy unit within Ely Hospital is expected to be completed by the middle of 2024. Ely Hospital remains open, serving patients six days per week and supporting modular endoscopy unit in WGH to avoid any delays in patient care delivery.“These developments prove this Government’s commitment to healthcare delivery in Wexford General Hospital as works continue following the major fire that broke out there in March 2023”, Minister Browne concluded.

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