Price hikes on everyday essentials are affecting the most vulnerable

A local councillor is calling on chambers of commerce to come together to reduce price hikes that are affected the most vulnerable.

2021 saw the largest annual increase in prices in almost ten years recorded by the CSO.

Prices were on average 2.8 per cent higher in August this year compared to the same month last year.

The cost of transport increased by over 10 per cent, while housing, water, electricity and gas prices went up by more than 7 per cent.

There was a reduction in the price of clothing and footwear of 5.6 per cent, while there was a slight decrease in the cost of household equipment and maintenance.

Enniscorthy representative John O’Rourke says it’s getting harder and harder to shop local.

“At the end of the day, not everybody who is walking the high street are in a way of being able to pay for their goods and see an extra €20 on top of the prices they would pay before.

“I think we should have a level playing field for everyone that would be supporting local businesses and would continue to do that around the county.”

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