Gorey Scouts launch Gofundme campaign after camping container theft

A scout group in the county is looking for the public’s help in replacing stolen material.

Last week the Gorey Scouts discovered their equipment container had been broken into and tents, hammocks and other camping essentials had been taken.

They have set up a Gofundme campaign to replenish the stolen stock before some summer events

Mark Keenan is the Scout Leader and told South East Radio that it’s the kids who will lose out after the theft.

“Our main funding comes from the children themselves through their subscriptions and that pays for the equipment, for the running of the hall etc.

“So basically what’s happened is whoever stole the equipment was stealing from the kids and not from us.

“Unfortunately, we have no way of getting the money back so therefore it’ll come out of the kids subscriptions and they’ll have to pay for it again.”

You can find out more information on how to donate here:

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