Ukraine: Power’s been knocked out to cooling systems at Chernobyl

Power’s been knocked out to cooling systems at Chernobyl, the site of the world’s biggest nuclear disaster, which is under Russian control.

The International Atomic Energy Agency says there should be no critical impact, although Ukrainian officials fear radiation leakage if electricity’s not restored.

There appears to have been little progress evacuating people from besieged cities – with Ukrainian authorities claiming Russia has continued shelling Mariupol.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s warned there’ll be a ‘humanitarian catastrophe’ unless it can keep skies above Ukraine safe.

He was responding after the US rejected an offer from Poland to donate fighter jets to its neighbour.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has insisted there’s no time for such back and forth.

The news comes as Russia and Ukraine have agreed another day long ceasefire until 7pm tonight Irish time.

They’re in place around 5 key areas which have been subjected to heavy shelling in recent days.

Ukraine’s deputy prime minister says safe routes are operating in some cities and officials are looking to get as many civilians away from danger as possible.

Meanwhile, 2,500 people have arrived from Ukraine so far, according to the Justice Minister.

Helen McEntee adds the state is expecting more to arrive in the coming days.

Refugees are being processed in Dublin Airport, where they will be given permission to stay in the country and provided with a PPS number.

Justice Minister Helen McEntee says there are a lot of women and children arriving.

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