Verona Murphy clarifies the current position on additional hospital beds

Independent TD for Wexford, Verona Murphy, has clarified the current position on additional hospital beds in regards the proposed 97 bed medical ward block at Wexford General Hospital.

Speaking from Wexford on Wednesday morning, the Independent Deputy said “ the proposed new medical bed ward block at the hospital was initially approved to replace in patient beds at the hospital”.

Deputy Murphy added “The hospital manager, Linda O’Leary has now confirmed that with reconfiguration of wards and beds, the proposed 97 bed medical ward block will create additional capacity for 38 beds with 59 replacement beds within the proposed new medical block”.

Concluding the Deputy added “the focus now is clearly on restoration of full services at the hospital, however it makes so much sense for this proposed project to be fast tracked now in tandem with the fire restoration works. Capacity at Wexford General Hospital was a major issue during the latter months of 2022 and early 2023. The population of County Wexford has shown significant growth in the past 5 years and additional beds at the hospital must be a priority. I am again calling on Wexford government representatives to arrange a meeting with all Wexford TDs and the Department of Health and HSE to ensure this is driven and delivered on now and that it is not left as yet another election promise of the future”

South East Radio news is awaiting a response from the Ireland East Hospital Group

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