Wardens encourage buyers to ask questions when purchasing a dog

Anyone looking to buy a dog this summer is being encouraged to ask questions about where the dog is coming from and what conditions has it been living in.

Dog wardens say the price of household pets has gone through the roof over the last two years due to people looking for company over lockdown.

There are reports that one buyer was faced with a price of 5 thousand euro for a springer spaniel.

Dog Warden John Colfer told the Morning Mix that the best way to keep yourself from getting scammed is to be inquisitive.

“If you’re going to buy a puppy and pay big money for it, insist on going to where the dog was actually bred and insist on seeing the parents and what conditions it was bred in.

“You shouldn’t buy a dog in a car park or a supermarket or anywhere like that. Go and insist on seeing the home because that’s the least you’re entitled to do.”

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