Wexford Gardaí campaign against bike theft: Lock It or Lose It

Gardaí are warning cyclists to take extra precautions to keep their bike safe as almost 7 thousand have been stolen in the past year.

Less than a third of the bikes taken since January 2020 have been recovered, according to new figures.


Stephen Hinchy has spent hundreds of euro on locks – but had 5 bikes stolen in the capital over the past 5 years.

“I took an extra precaution each time in terms of the money I  was spending on the lock and where I was storing it.

“To be honest, I was convinced the final time it happened that I had done enough and that no thief would go to the lengths to bring an angle grinder into what was supposed to be a secure underground car park where you needed a key or fob to get in but it lasted less than a week.”

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Photo Credit: Pexels Images/Leandro Boogalu

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