130 ‘Smoke Free Babies’ have been born in the South East with the help of the HSE 1 to 1 Stop Smoking Support Services

130 ‘Smoke Free Babies’ have been born in the South East with the help of the HSE 1 to 1 Stop Smoking Support Services.

The mothers of these babies had been smokers when they first became pregnant but were able to quit with the right support.

The figures were revealed on this World no tobacco day – where the health implications of smoking are highlighted to encourage people to quit smoking for improved health.

Speaking on ‘Morning Mix’ HSE Health promotion Officer, Lisa Nangle, says its never too late to stop smoking at any stage of pregnancy and help and support is available.

Log on to: SouthEastStopSmokingSupport@hse.ie

“Stopping smoking is the best thing you can do for you and your baby”

Kate Cassidy, HSE Health and Wellbeing Officer

Photo: Baby Jaxson – 130th South East ‘Smoke Free Baby’ – hse.ie

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