65 Social Housing Units to be built in Bunclody

65 Social Housing Units are to be built in Bunclody in a new phase of a Government Public Private Partnership Programme.

The new housing projects will deliver almost 650 new social homes nationwide with 450 of those homes being built in Dublin. Speaking to South East Radio News this morning Fianna Fáil councillor Michael Sheehan welcomed the annoucement and says a record number of social homes are being built.

The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien TD, today (13 November) welcomed the launch of new housing projects under the social housing Public Private Partnership (PPP) Programme which will deliver almost 650 new social homes. Welcoming the new phase of social housing, Minister O’ Brien said:

“Housing for All commits to increasing the supply of new build social housing to an average of 10,000 per annum between 2022 and 2030 and we are employing every resource at our disposal to achieve this. 

The Social Housing Public Private Partnership (PPP) Programme represents one of the many strands of delivery to increase the quantity of social housing. Housing for All also includes a specific objective to increase the use of PPPs to deliver social housing and today’s announcement is a significant contributor to achieving this. 

The success of this model for social housing delivery is evident as it has already provided 1,000 high-quality new homes, with another 3,500 in the pipeline. 

Today’s announcement underlines this Government’s commitment to building more social homes and demonstrates the proactive approach we are taking to tackle our housing challenges.”

This announcement is part of the social housing PPP programme being delivered by the National Development Finance Agency (NDFA), in conjunction with the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage and relevant local authorities. Other key stakeholders involved in progressing the programme include the Housing Delivery and Co-Ordination Office, Dublin City Council and Cork County Council (the latter two are engaged as the lead local authorities for Bundles 1, 3, 4, 5 and Bundles 2 and 6 respectively).

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