Angela Kerins May Threaten Legal Action If More Pay Details Released


The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has been told that the former CEO Angela Kerins will threaten legal action if further details of her former pay and conditions are released.

Lawyers for Ms. Kerins yesterday complained that the PAC was straying beyond its remit, while former board member Frank Flannery said he could not contribute to the issues the committee wanted to discuss.

Meanwhile it has emerged that Frank Flannery received over 400,000 euro in consultancy fees from Rehab after stepping down. The Committee has been told that the fees were at a level which could have been unilaterally approved by Ms. Kerins.

Last night the PAC wrote back to both, telling Ms. Kerins that she had already allowed it to stray beyond its remit by agreeing to disclose the terms and conditions of her salary.

It also told Mr. Flannery that his excuse was nothing short of contemptible and rejected his claims that members had leaked damaging allegations contained in a letter which the PAC has now passed on to the gardaí.

The Taoiseach has refused to take questions over the issue today.

Meanwhile the chairman of the PAC has condemned what he calls the “cat-and-mouse game” of getting Angela Kerins and Frank Flannery to attend.

But the chairman of Rehab’s remuneration committee Declan Doyle says the groups hands are now tied.

“The boards approach to this hearing has been to meet the request of the PAC wherever possible” he said.

“However, in this instance meeting the request of the Committee would involve Rehab breaching the law as it relates to the former Chief Executive and Mr. Flannery – something you’ll understand we cannot do” he added.

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