Call for support in Wexford for Acquired Brain Injury services

Wexford women makes remarkable brain injury rehabilitation journey

An appeal is being made across Wexford this week for people to support a local fundraising effort from Acquired Brain Injury Ireland, to fund rehabilitation services in the county.

The charity runs many programmes in Wexford town and county – and is launching a local door drop fundraising request this week for support of these services.

The campaign is being led by local woman Karina (picture of Karina attached) who attends the Wexford Clubhouse and has made a remarkable rehabilitation journey after a serious car crash left her in a coma for many months.

In Wexford, ABI Ireland provides services to brain injury survivors in the community, such as Home and Community Rehabilitation, (helps survivors adjust to community living after their brain injury), an Assisted Living service (where brain injury survivors live with specialist rehabilitation teams on a 24/7 basis) and a Clubhouse service in Wexford Town (which provides peer support and group rehabilitation).

Thousands of homes in Wexford will be receiving an appeal pack from Acquired Brain Injury Ireland, and people can also log in to to make a donation.

After many years of rehabilitation, Karina now works two days a week in a charity shop in Wexford Town and she accredits her return to work to the services she received locally through ABI Ireland.

“The shop is close to the Clubhouse which makes it a convenient part of my routine, allowing me to walk to rehab and contribute to my community. With Acquired Brain Injury Ireland’s guidance and my determination to reclaim my life, I gradually emerged from the shadows of my brain injury and reconnected with my true, vibrant self.

“The Wexford Clubhouse has been a haven of support and inclusion. It’s a place where people with unique challenges come together and celebrate each other’s differences. This nurturing environment has helped me regain my confidence, connect with others, and build lasting friendships. The activities at the Clubhouse prove that anything is possible.

“I have so much gratitude to Acquired Brain Injury Ireland and the benefit to brain injury survivors that their services provide in Wexford is evident. This is more than a support system; it’s a warm and accepting community where individuals are encouraged to embrace their unique abilities and work toward their goals.”

ABI Ireland CEO Barbara O’Connell thanked Karina for her time and support for the service and wished her continued progress and happiness in her rehabilitation journey, and return to work.

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