The National Emergency Co-ordination Group (NECG) continues to coordinate the National Response to the impact of Storm Éowyn across the country and in the primary affected counties.
An Garda Síochána continues to support this ongoing effort where possible.
As a community-based police service, An Garda Síochána continues to maintain contact with and support isolated and vulnerable citizens in the affected areas.
We are here to help and support communities.
An Garda Síochána are supporting Local Coordination Groups in place in 17 Local Authority Areas – Cavan, Cork County, Donegal, Galway County, Kerry, Laois, Leitrim, Limerick City and County, Longford, Meath, Monaghan, Offaly, Roscommon, Sligo, Westmeath, Wexford and Wicklow and at the many now established Emergency Response Hubs.
An Garda Síochána is very aware that individuals in many communities who lost electricity and communications (landline, mobile and social media) may not be in a position to hear public safety messages or make contact with others.
Isolated/Vulnerable citizens:
If you are aware of family, friends or neighbours who you have not heard from or who may be isolated or continue to be in a vulnerable situation, please make contact with An Garda Síochána or another appropriate service. Do not assume that somebody else has!
An Garda Síochána continues to make the followings appeals:
An Garda Síochána in support of ESB Networks continues to warn the public do not touch or approach fallen and/or low hanging wires on the electricity network. They may be live and dangerous. Please contact ESB Networks on 1800 372999.
An Garda Síochána re-iterates or appeal to all motorists Slow Down, Expect the Unexpected and Stay Safe on our roads.
Scam texts/ alerts:
Be wary of any/all text messages or emails received. Never click on a link or reply directly to an unknown number. Always break the thread and make separate contact directly with the alleged service or utility provider. Control the communications with unknown/unrecognised numbers.
Scam callers/Bogus tradespeople:
Please be careful with cold/unannounced visitors to your home over the coming days. Legitimate employees of State services will always have appropriate branded clothing and/ or identification and will always be patient while you satisfy yourself as to a person’s identity.
Do not let a stranger into your house if you are not satisfied as to their identity.
Legitimate tradespeople/salespersons will not pressure you to make snap decisions on work that your premises may need. They will always give you an opportunity to call them back when you have considered the service they offer. Preferably you should be able to find their number from a legitimate source, online website, phone book etc. at which to contact them back. Always discuss your decision with trusted family of neighbour before committing to any service and/or handing over any cash or deposit.
Please be wary of engaging with anyone offering items such generators, chainsaws and power washers for sale door-to-door or in public places, such as carparks, as these items could be of very poor quality, not quality controlled and not fit for purpose or worse stolen or faulty.
The advice is for people not to engage, as there will be no after-sales service if there are any issues and the items could be stolen or of very poor quality and not fit for purpose.
If you are not happy with the attendance of any person on your property call your local Garda Station or 999/112, where a member of An Garda Síochána can assist you.
- If someone calls to your house offering repair services, make sure to:
• Tell the caller that you never employ tradespeople ‘cold calling’ to your door. Ask for a sales brochure or other documentation that you can subsequently investigate and verify as credible. This should have a contact telephone number, known address and a VAT registered number.
• Be particularly careful where sales documentation only displays mobile contact numbers or incomplete addresses.
• Checking online can assist in establishing the credibility and bona fides of the company or individual concerned.
• If you are satisfied that the company or individual is credible and you still think you want to employ them, ask for an itemised written quotation for the services being offered and ask them for references from people they have previously worked for.
• Never solely rely on the accuracy of the information being offered to you. Verify the information yourself.
• You should always seek comparable estimates from other established reputable companies.
• Never engage a person who insists on cash payment for services offered. Even when employing a reputable company, always use a method of payment that is traceable.
• Never leave strangers, even bona fide workers, unsupervised in your home.
For those people who may have elderly or vulnerable neighbours or friends, be a good neighbour and advise them of these possible scams.
If you suspect that bogus callers or tradespeople are in your area and appear suspicious or are working in a vulnerable neighbour’s home – never hesitate in contacting the Gardaí immediately. Genuine tradespeople will not be offended by any enquiries the Gardaí may make and, indeed, usually welcome them.
If people see anything suspicious, please report it to Gardaí, as it may stop someone else falling victim to these people.
In an emergency, always call 999/112.