People urged to be cautious when using Deepseek the new chinese AI Chatbot

Malcolm Byrne TD for Wexford/Wicklow, has issued a warning to Irish citizens and businesses to exercise caution when using DeepSeek, the new Chinese AI chatbot. His concerns are focused on the potential risks of sharing personal data with the app, as it may be stored on servers located in China.

Deputy Byrne highlighted the difference in data protection depending on where it is stored. He explained, “If our data is stored in Ireland or other parts of the European Union, there are strong safeguards in place to protect how that data is used. However, if data is stored in China, those safeguards do not exist. The Chinese Communist Party can access this data under its National Security Law.”

Speaking to South East Radio news, he also pointed out that DeepSeek’s privacy policy mentions that any personal data collected through the app could be stored on Chinese servers, further raising concerns about data security and privacy.

While acknowledging the many positive impacts of Artificial Intelligence, Deputy Byrne stressed that the potential for misuse of AI technology and the data it collects is significant. He emphasized, “AI is transforming many aspects of our lives, but we must be mindful of the ethical considerations and potential risks involved.” He believes that discussions on the responsible use of AI will be crucial for the upcoming government.

The Wicklow-Wexford Deputy also called for a clear governmental strategy on AI and highlighted the importance of Ireland’s participation at senior levels in the upcoming Global AI Summit in Paris, hosted by President Macron. Additionally, he reiterated his call for the establishment of a special Oireachtas Committee on Artificial Intelligence and for comprehensive AI and technology education programs to be introduced across the public service, including for TDs and Senators.

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