Rising Covid admissions placing a ‘significant burden’ on the health service

The HSE’s chief operations officer says rising Covid hospitalisations are placing a ‘significant burden’ on the health service.

408 patients are in public hospitals with the virus – a 44 per cent increase on two weeks ago.

There are an average of 50 Covid admissions a day at the moment – compared to 35 at the end of September.

Anne O’Connor says there’s also increased demand for non-Covid care.

“We are seeing very significant numbers coming forward for care.

“We are also seeing quite a high level of admission which is change in picture in recent weeks.

“We have averaged  over the last 8 weeks about 6,000 admissions and in the last week that’s gone up to 6,500.

“So we are seeing sicker people, frailer people, who are coming forward for services.

“I think the burden comes in having to provide services to everybody.”

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