Rosslare residents stage protest outside Wexford County Council buildings today

Rosslare residents have today been continuing their demonstrations over a proposed International Protection Accommodation Service centre in the village.

The Centre is proposed to be located at the Old Great Southern Hotel, a site that had originally been allocated as a nursing home.

Protestors rallied outside Wexford County Council Buildings this afternoon, with further protests to take place over the weekend.

Independent TD Verona Murphy, has submitted a Section 5 to see if this particular development will need planning permission and she has sent a further letter today to the Council asking for answers:

“What we are asking is that it be confirmed by the Director and the Chief Executive whether the Council intends to make the immediate determination of the Section 5 referral submitted by myself on behalf of the people of Rosslare. And whether the Council intends to take immediate proceedings to stop this unauthorised development of an IPAS centre in Rosslare.”

Rosslare resident involved in business in Rosslare, Sean, spoke to South East Radio from the protest today:

“We believe that the Council can put a stop to the building being completed. We are here as a community to highlight this. As you can see there is young and old here. We are all in the same boat and everyone feels the same way about it.”

When asked what the ultimate goal is, Sean said that he wants the original plans to be honoured:

“What we want really is our proposed nursing home for the community and everyone in the surrounding areas.”

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