Toddler Dies Following Hit And Run At Phoenix Park


A girl (2) has died after a hit and run at the Phoenix Park in Dublin. The child was hit on the North Road at around 6:30pm yesterday evening.

She was pronounced dead in the early hours of this morning at Temple Street Children’s Hospital.

Gardaí at Cabra are investigating the collision which happened on the North Road at the Phoenix Park in Dublin.

A man (24), who was arrested a short time after the incident, is being questioned by gardaí.

He was initially detained at Cabra garda station and transfered to Blanchardstown overnight.

The toddler was struck by a car which failed to stop at the scene.

Reporter with the Herald Conor Feehan says a number of people tried to help the girl at the scene.

“Witnesses raced to her aid and to try and get emergency services to her as quickly as possible – but she suffered head injuries and internal injuries before being transferred to Temple Street Hospital, where she was cared for there until she passed away” he said.

“The car that knocked her down – they drove from the park, it did not stop at the scene” he added.

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