Wexford animal charity welcomes stricter measures to deal with ear cropping

Stricter conditions on the ownership and importation of dogs with cropped ears could be introduced soon.

The Wexford SPCA has welcomed the comments from the Agriculture Minister.

Cropping the outside of a dog’s ear is already banned, but new plans could see the legislation extended.

Barbara Bent from the WSPCA says that it is animal mutilation and  they welcome the news of stricter measures to deal with the import of these animals.

“Its totally illegal. It is not fashionable and it is not good for the animal. The original reason for ear cropping is for dog fighting, as one dog can rip the ear of another dog easily. People don’t realise and think its fashionable. It gives the bull breeds a very bad name. The message must be its not acceptable and don’t buy puppies with mutilated ears.”

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