Wexford Council To Hold Information Cafes for Arts Funding Opportunities

Wexford County Council Arts Department and Creative Ireland Wexford will host five county-wide information cafes about upcoming funding opportunities. Open to communities, artists and creatives, the information cafes will explore the types of funding that is available, look at how to write a good funding application, and provide a chance to chat with peers over tea and coffee.

Assistant Arts Officer Una Cahill says ‘we are delighted to host these cafes and get to share the exciting opportunities we have for our artists and communities to take part in this year’s cultural programme. It will be great to get out and meet people face to face, and have meaningful conversations that can really increase knowledge and understanding of what we offer’.

The cafes will take place at the following times:

•             Wednesday 7th February 14.00-15.30 at New Ross Library

•             Thursday 8th February 14.00-15.30 at Gorey Library

•             Wednesday 14th February 14.30-16.00 at Enniscorthy Library

•             Thursday 15th February 10.00-11.30 at the Stella Maris Centre, Kilmore Quay

•             Thursday 15th February 14.00-15.30 at Wexford Town Library

Please email artsoffice@wexfordcoco.ie  to register your attendance.

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