Wexford Councillor calls for scheme to take cars off the paths

The blind and vision impaired community have launched a campaign to  ‘Clear Our Paths’. The aim is to increase awareness about the obstructions on paths that cause a hindrance to the vision impaired. The main culprits are cars parked on paths and dog fouling. Not only are these issues a nuisance but they also pose a risk to public safety.

The campaign has highlighted the issue of parking on footpaths in Wexford. In a recent report it was found that only 102 fines were issued in Wexford in 2022 despite the volume of cars still causing an obstruction to pedestrians.

This has prompted Wexford Councillor Leonard Kelly to call on the council to put a scheme together to give residents alternative options for parking where the current options are limited.

“I would like us as a district to look at houses and give them options for parking. I have seen houses convert their gardens into parking bays. I would like to see a scheme that would allow people to make these changes and take the cars off the paths.”

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