Wexford County Council receives highest level of investment in South East for the 5th year running under the Town and Villages Renewal scheme.

Wexford County Council is delighted to announce that we have received the highest level of investment in the South East for the fifth year running under the Town and Villages Renewal scheme. A total of €997,500.00 grant aid has been allocated to County Wexford following Minister Heather Humprey’s recent announcement.

The Town and Village Renewal Scheme supports small to medium capital projects which enhance the environment of town or villages centres which will encourage more people to return confidently to town and villages to work, shop and socialise.

The 2023 Scheme placed particular emphasis on projects that support bringing vacant and derelict buildings and sites back into use as multi-purpose spaces, prioritising the revitalisation of rural Ireland through a renewed focus on town and village centre economic and social recovery and regeneration projects that support active and vibrant town or village centres, town centre parks, green spaces and community amenities, etc.

Wexford County Councils goal is to ensure that the towns and villages in the county are vibrant and inclusive, support their urban and rural communities and provide attractive and enjoyable living and working environments. Wexford are delighted to be leading the way in tackling vacancy and dereliction by bringing landmark town centre buildings back to life for community use.

Wexford County Council’s strategy is to ensure our towns and villages are self-sustaining places which are vital and vibrant, with appropriate services, jobs, amenities, and community facilities which are inclusive, accessible to all and are resilient to challenges such as climate change and economic instability.

The locations submitted exciting projects which will reap great rewards for their respective communities. The projects include:

  • Rathgarogue, Co. Wexford – Sensory meditation gardens & play areas (€500,000).
  • Carrig On Bannow, Co. Wexford – Playground, walking track, sensory garden, biodiversity area and adult gym (€250,000).
  • Cushinstown, Co. Wexford – Community garden, men’s and women’s sheds, toilet facilities, and repair existing infrastructure to ensure safe access. (€247,590)

Speaking on behalf of Wexford County Council, An Cathaoirleach Cllr. John Fleming, said, “I am delighted to see further investment from our Town & Village Schemes. These Schemes provide a much-needed boost to communities across our county. I want to thank the local communities who brought forward these proposals and worked with our staff in Economic Development Department to develop applications that ensured that they maximise the potential of their bids.  We look forward to seeing the fruits of the labours of the various successful community groups in the coming months”.

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