Wexford driving instructor supports EU proposals to allow 16 year-olds to drive

The vast majority of Irish people believe 16 year-olds are too young to drive.

A survey by Peopl Insurance shows 77 per cent of adults disagree with EU proposals to allow those who are 16 to drive with a speed limiting device.

The move would require all vehicles driven by a teenager to go no faster than 45 kilometres per hour.

Wexford Driving Instructor, Dane Tyghe, says it could work under certain restrictions:

“I think there are certain merits to allowing 16 year-olds to drive. It could be done under supervision, under the guidance of an approved driving instructor. And of course under certain restrictions like speed limit restrictions.”

Mr. Tyghe thinks that this could be a great opportunity to get Transition Year students involved in motor safety and rules of the road.

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