Wexford IFA welcomes Irish beef recognition

The Wexford IFA Chair, Jer O’ Mahony, has welcomed a new recognition that is in the pipeline for Irish grass-fed beef.

It is set to be granted special recognition for its unique characteristics and geographical origin by the European Commission.

The Commission has confirmed that it is in the final stage of the granting of the Protected Geographical Indication.

Other products with PGI recognition in Ireland include Irish whiskey and the Waterford Blaa.

The final steps to register “Irish Grass Fed Beef” will conclude over the coming weeks.

Mr O’Mahony outlined what makes Irish beef so special:

“Because of our grass based system for our beef cattle, we are been given a special protected status. They are grazed so long on grass and spend little time in sheds. So they are being given this status as a high quality product which is fantastic news.”


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