Wexford Garda figures show a dramatic rise in unaccompanied learner drivers.

Garda figures for the Wexford / Wicklow Garda division show a 23% jump in unaccompanied learner drivers between 2023 and 24

It’s against the law to drive unaccompanied on a learner permit, and penalties apply if you are convicted of driving unaccompanied, or you allow your vehicle to be driven by an unaccompanied learner driver.

Ireland South MEP Cynthia Ní Mhurchú, a member of the EU Transport Committee, has called for parents to be more vigilant.

Gardai in the Wexford / Wicklow division issued 140 fixed charge notices to unaccompanied learner drivers in Q2 2023.

They issued 173 in Q2 2024, a jump of 23.5%.

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