Wexford had 55 homeless last December according to figures

Housing figures for the Country were revealed last night. 13,318 people were registered as homeless over Christmas which included 3,962 children.

The total was a slight decrease on November’s total as a number of people who live in emergency accommodation stay with family or friends over Christmas.

However the figure is 145 higher than Christmas 2022.

In Dublin, the issue is most severe where there are 6,754 homeless adults and 3,020 children growing up in B&Bs and hotels.

According to the figures released by the Department of Housing, the South East accounts for 3% of Ireland’s homeless population.

There were 267 people living in emergency accommodation across the region last December with 55 of of those registered in Wexford.

Wexford’s total is the second highest in the region following Waterford with 89.

The state’s total does not include refugees, asylum seekers, women in refuge centres, rough sleepers or the so-called hidden homeless.

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