World Champions from Wexford – Special Olympians show off their medals

Wexford duo Jenna Carty and Tadhg O’Shaugnessy have returned home champions from the Special Olympics World Games in Berlin.

Jenna has taken home gold to Wexford following Irelands defeat of Azerbaijan in the basketball final.

Meanwhile, at just 14 years of age Tadhg O’Shaughnessy who was placed in the top division in the world for gymnastics, claimed two bronze medals and finished fifth overall in the world.

Both Jenna and Tadhg spoke to Alan Corcoran on today’s Morning Mix and proudly showed off their medals in studio.

Jenna told Alan that it was a tough match against Azerbaijan as the other team were spitting and biting during the game.

Tadhg described his experience at the games where he stayed in a host town before travelling to Berlin on a bus.

Both competitors described the homecoming as amazing.

Tadhg’s mum Sharon says she is so proud of her son and he was competing against athletes that were much older than him.

Jenna’s mum Frances says that Jenna had really though games but that they played really well and she is very proud of them all.

Jenna said she had tears in her eyes when she arrived home to Liam Mellows Park for a massive homecoming.

Congratulations messages came in from Councillor George Lawlor and South East Radio listeners to both athletes.

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