Puppies dumped on Mount Leinster in the early hours of this morning

South East Animal Rescue say 12 week old black Labradors were discovered at half 6 this morning. The man who discovered the pups was a worker with Coilte and was in the area when he heard whining. He found the puppies in grass.

Out of 12 puppies found 2 have died while 10 have already been taken in by foster homes.

Speaking to South East Radio News this morning Jackie from South East Animal Rescue thanks everyone who offered to help in the last number of hours. “We have already found 5 homes for the puppies to go to for now, they’ll go in pairs as they’ll need to be bottle fed”

Jackie has pleaded with the public not to dump puppies ” Don’t dump them somewhere like that to die a horrible death, because it would be. They would die of hyperthermia and starvation. Please bring them to a rescue.”

Check out https://southeastanimalrescue.com/ for more information.

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