Concerns Over Confusing Signage and a lack of Public Awareness over new speed limits

We are another week closer to the implementation of the new speed limits in our County. The new limits will see speed on rural or local roads from 80Kmph to 60Kmph

Wexford Sinn Féin Councillor Aoife Rose O’Brien has expressed serious concerns over the new speed limit signage.

Speaking to South East Radio News she has also highlighted the lack of public awareness about the upcoming speed reduction measures, which are set to be enforced on February 6th.

Cllr O’Brien has requested a public information evening through the county council to address these concerns and ensure the smooth rollout of the initiative

The councillor has  specifically voiced worries about the clarity of the signage, noting that the current system may cause confusion. The signs resemble European speed limits, which could lead to dangerous misunderstandings.


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