Funding confirmed for two Healthy Ireland GAA Walking Tracks in County Wexford

Funding has been secured for two additional Healthy Ireland GAA Walking Tracks in County Wexford.

Rapparees/Starlights GAA club and Rathgarogue/Cushinstown GAA club will both benefit from grants to the value of €15,000.

In April 2023, Glynn/Barntown GAA club and Monageer/Boolavogue GAA club benefitted from the first round of funding under this initiative for this year.

The news was confirmed by Minister James Browne today. He commented: 

 “Walking tracks serve as a fantastic inclusive community facility in promoting physical activity and the overall health and wellbeing of the community. The funding provided through this grant scheme will be key in ensuring that community initiatives like the Ireland Lights Up campaign, which is due to return in the New Year, can grow from strength to strength for non-playing members of GAA clubs.”

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