In the first quarter of 2024 170 households in Co. Wexford were assisted with rental difficulties

In the first quarter of 2024 170 households in Co. Wexford were assisted with difficulties in their private rented tenancy. This included 159 children and 227 adults.

The figures from the National housing charity Threshold show the charity worked with 105 families at risk of homelessness in the county but could only prevent 10 households from entering homelessness. Of these households 11 were adults and 6 were children.

The charity say they continuing to see a high number of households with concerns over the security of their tenancy, and termination queries.

Nationally,Threshold prevented over 900 households from entering homelessness, including 1,235 adults and 983 children, in the first quarter of this year. The housing charity supported over 9,300 households during the period, according to latest figures.

The charity’s Q1 2024 Impact Report showed that Threshold advisors answered 11,572 calls and responded to over 1,600 webchats from January to March last. Of the concerns raised by renters in that period, tenancy termination remains the biggest issue with 37% of all queries received by Threshold in Q1 concerning termination.

Commenting on the latest figures, Threshold CEO John-Mark McCafferty said:

“We are continuing to see a high number of households in the private rental sector have concerns over the security of their tenancy, with termination queries topping the list of questions that Threshold received in Q1 of this year.  

“In the first three months of the year, Threshold advisors completed over 41,000 practical actions for the 9,000 plus households who were in touch with our services. Threshold kept 900 households, who were at risk of homelessness, in their homes or supported them to find alternative housing. This figure alone highlights the impact of our work in supporting renters to stay in their homes, and we strongly urge anyone who is facing challenges in their tenancy to contact our advisors for support.”

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