Wexford Gardaí launch investigation into the vandalism of a defibrillator on Fourth Mountain

Wexford Gardaí say they have launched an investigation into the vandalism of a defibrillator on Fourth Mountain over the weekend.

The life saving equipment which was funded by donations from the community was damaged in the early hours of last Saturday morning (20th April). Between the hours of 10pm and 9am Vandals removed the defibrillator from its heated insulated box, removed from the case and submerged in water in the gripe across the road. It is now beyond repair.

The local community say they are disgusted over what has happened. In July 2021 a group was established in Coolree / Forth Mountain which set about fundraising for the community defibrillator with 24 hours access for all. Approximately 70 houses were in this 5k radius. They also organised CPR classes etc and information about what to do in an emergency.

Speaking on Morning Mix with Alan Corcoran Sergeant Margo Kennedy says the persons involved can be charged with a criminal damage offence.

The community is now trying to get the money together and say they are hoping that if any local business would like to contribute towards a replacement they would really appreciate it.

You can donate here: https://gofund.me/e5dc9c42




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